- For an EC integrated template, the Eligibility Rules are not being applied to all users, even though the users have Employment Details information with the correct effective date.
- For an EC integrated template, not all users who meet the eligibility criteria are included in the forms.
SuccessFactors Compensation Management
For Employee Central integrated templates, the Compensation Form will only include users from Employee Central. Compensation uses the following criteria to verify if a user is an Employee Central user:
- If there is a picklist “SourceOfRecord” and there is an option “EC” in the picklist, the “Source of Record” field in Employment Details must be “EC”.
- The internal flag “is_ec_system_of_record” should be “1”.
For example, if users are integrated via API and have the “Source of Record” value different from “EC”, they are not considered EC users and will not be included in an EC integrated template by default.
To include non-EC users in an EC integrated template, you should enable the “Hybrid Template” flag in the Settings page of the Compensation Template. If you want to include users that only have data coming from the User Directory File, you’ll also need to define non-EC Eligibility Rules.
If users that have the "Source of Record" equal to "EC" are not considered in the eligibility rules, please check if the option "EC" from the "SourceOfRecord" picklist has status ACTIVE.
Employee Central EC integration template Compensation Eligibility Rules sourceOfRecord source of record not eligible , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , LOD-SF-CMP-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , LOD-SF-CMP-INT , Integrations & Intelligent Services EC , Problem