You need to create a fiscal year retrospectively, for instance for migration purposes. The system however only suggests the current or a future fiscal year in the task.
Reproducing the Issue
- In the General Ledger workcenter navigate to the Master Data - Set of Books and Assigned Companies view.
- Select the respective company and press Edit Fiscal Years.
- You have already created the current fiscal year, e.g. fiscal year 2017. But you need to create fiscal year 2016.
- Press New Fiscal Year.
- The system suggests the following fiscal year, 2018.
By default the system suggests either the current year or the next following future year when creating a new fiscal year. The Fiscal Year is, however, editable.
To create a fiscal year retrospectively, provided the company's validity starts in this fiscal year, you can just change the suggested fiscal year to the desired fiscal year.
- In the Fiscal Year field, change the suggested fiscal year, i.e. 2018 to the desired fiscal year, i.e. 2016.
- If the company is not valid for the whole year a warning will appear stating Company XYZ is not valid in full duration of fiscal year ABC (i.e.2016).
- Press Save and Close.
You will now be able to generate postings for this already past fiscal year, provided the intial migration start date of the company is during or before this fiscal year.
KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To