Basic configuration of Intelligent Services: Employee Short Term Disability and Employee Long Term Disability
- Successfactors Recruiting Management
- Intelligent Services
Employee Short Term Disability - Intelligent services (RCM)
The Employee Short Term Disability even allows you to reassign requisitions to another user in the case of an employee's absence.
When an employee takes a short term leave or is in a period of STD, all Job Requisitions where the employee is a recruiter, a hiring manager, or any other operator, can be automatically reassigned to the employee's next-level manager or a designated user.
This process can be established based on a few configuration settings, so that the job requisitions affected by the employee's absence continue to be processed.
Associated To-Dos are also reassigned, and e-mail and web notifications are sent.
Configuration of this functionality:
- Subscribe to the Employee Short Term Disability event published by Employee Central
- Configure processing behavior settings
- Configuring the duration of Short Term Disability
- Reassign requisitions Next Level Manager or a designated user
- Configure the Notifications section of the Employee Short Term Disability event
Subscribing to the Employee Short Term Disability Event
Follow the steps to turn on the feature to subscribe to the Employee Short Term Disability Event.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Short Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting and move the switch to On to subscribe to this event
- Click Save
Configuring the Processing Behavior Setting
The Processing Behavior settings allow users to indicate the number of days before an event's effective data that it can be preprocessed.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Short Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting and select the Allow processing of event checkbox
- Specify the desired number of days in the empty field in the same line
- Click Save
Configuring the Duration of Employee Short Term Disability
You can configure the duration of a Short Term Disability event in days, after which the related events are processed.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Short Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting
- Click the Configure Recruiting Subscriber Settings for Requisition Reassignment link. This opens the Manage Recruiting Settings page
- Specify the desired number of days for duration check in the empty field on Process this event if the duration of the Short Term Disability is ___ or more days option
- Click Save
Reassigning Requisitions to the Next Level Manager or a Designated User
You can configure per requisition templates which operators should be reassigned to the Next Level Manager or Designated User during a Short Term Disability.
- Log in to the Admin Center
- In the tools search field, search for and open Reassign Job Requisitions
- In the Select Template dropdown, select the template that you want to modify
- Select the requisitions that you want to reassign and click Continue
- Click the Find user link next to the operator you want to reassign
- In the Find User dialog box, search for and select the desired user and click Done
- Click Reassign
Configuring Notifications for Employee Short Term Disability
You can enable or disable Web Notifications for the Employee Short Term Disability event.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Short Term Disability event
- Click the Notifications tab
- Under the Recruiting section, you can enable the Web Notification for Assigned User notification, Manager notification, and User notification
- ** Note : You cannot turn off E-mail Notifications. E-mail notifications are always sent **
- Click Save.
Employee Long Term Disability - Intelligent services (RCM)
The Employee Long Term Disability even allows you to reassign requisitions to another user in the case of an employee's absence.
When an employee takes a long term leave or is in a period of LTD, all Job Requisitions where the employee is a recruiter, a hiring manager, or any other operator, can be automatically reassigned to the employee's next-level manager or a designated user.
This process can be established based on a few configuration settings, so that the job requisitions affected by the employee's absence continue to be processed.
Associated ToDos are also reassigned, and email and web notifications are sent.
Configuration of this functionality:
- Subscribe to the Employee Long Term Disability event published by Employee Central
- Configure processing behavior settings
- Configuring the duration of Long Term Disability
- Reassign requisitions Next Level Manager or a designated user
- Configure the Notifications section of the Employee Long Term Disability event
Subscribing to the Employee Long Term Disability Event
Follow the steps to enable the feature to subscribe to Employee Long Term Disability Event.
- Log in to the Admin Center and click Event Center
- Select the Employee Long Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting and turn the switch On to subscribe to this event
- Click Save
Configuring the Processing Behavior Setting
The Processing Behavior settings allow users to indicate the number of days before an event's effective data that it can be preprocessed.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Long Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting and select the Allow processing of event checkbox
- Specify the desired number of days in the empty field in the same line
- Click Save.
Configuring the Duration of Employee Long Term Disability
You can configure the duration of a Long Term Disability event in days, after which the related events are processed.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Long Term Disability event
- Click Recruiting
- Click the Configure Recruiting Subscriber Settings for Requisition Reassignment link. This opens the Manage Recruiting Settings page
- Specify the desired number of days for duration check in the empty field on Process this event if the duration of the Long Term Disability is ___ or more days option
- Click Save
Reassigning Requisitions to the Next Level Manager or a Designated User
You can configure per requisition templates which operators should be reassigned to the Next Level Manager or Designated User during a Long Term Disability.
- Log in to the Admin Center
- In the tools search field, search for and open Reassign Job Requisitions
- In the Select Template dropdown, select the template that you want to modify
- Select the requisitions that you want to reassign and click Continue
- Click the Find user link next to the operator you want to reassign
- In the Find User dialog box, search for and select the desired user and click Done
- Click Reassign
Configuring Notifications for Employee Long Term Disability
You can enable or disable Web Notifications for the Employee Long Term Disability event.
- Log in to the Admin Center and navigate to the Event Center
- Click the Employee Long Term Disability event
- Click the Notifications tab
- Under the Recruiting section, you can enable the Web Notification for Assigned User notification, Manager notification, and User notification.
- ** Note: You cannot turn off E-mail Notifications. E-mail notifications are always sent **
- Click Save.
See Also
Enable Event Center/ Intelligent Services
Intelligent Services for Succession Planning / Employee Central
Intelligent; Services; Employee; Short; Term; Disability; Long; Substitute; Temporary; Access; Vacation; Leave; Holiday , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , How To