- Data Services batch job will an SAP table as the source will fail with an error message similar to the following in the error log:
- Cannot convert data <USD> into type <DECIMAL> in file <SapDB::srcDB_table_batch_stream>, row number <0>, column number <21>.
- Example error: " Cannot convert data <1> into type <INT>. Context: Column <>."
- The SAP job was canceled for host < >, job name < >, job count <10240100>, job log from SAP
<20190822, 102402, Job started
20190822, 102402, Step 001 started (program ABAP_PROGRAM_NAME, variant &0000000000048, user ID USER_NAME)
20190822, 102402, Data Services read error.Check Data Services error
20190822, 102402, Job canceled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE>.
into type <123>"">
- SAP Data Services 4.2
- Table from an SAP Applications Datastore as source
SAP Data Services 4.2
DS, BODS, RFC table reader , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem
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