SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2422998 - "Does not contain" search operator does not work


'does not contain' search operator is not working.


Learning Management System (LMS)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Users
  2. on the search filter "job location" select "does not contain" and click on the funnel symbol
  3. select the location you wish to exclude from the search results and submit the criteria
  4. search
  5. users in the results belong to the location we excluded from the search


Expected behavior as selecting the values from the pop-up filter will always do a "Any" match on the Selected values. 


  1. Click on the filter icon for "Job Location"
  2. Enter your lcoation in "Job Location ID" with Does Not Contain operator
  3. Instead of Searching and then submitting the criteria, click Submit Criteria directly
  4. Search
  5. Users returned do not belong to the excluded location


search operator, search option, filter, does not contain option , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1611