While using Business Rules for Event Reason Derivation.
The wrong Business Rule is being derived.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental
Employee Central - Event Reason Derivation
This can be caused by the incorrect configuration of the Business Rules, causing the Event Reason to be overwritten.
When using Business Rules for Event Reason Derivation, you must include an If condition, to check if the event reason field's value is null before setting it through the business rule. This avoids overwriting the event reason accidentally.
For example see below:
See Also
Employee Central Master - Configuring Event-Reason Derivation Rules
2260431- How To Enable Business Rules for Workflow Derivation and Event Derivation
Event Reason, Event Reason Derivation, Business Rules, wrong, incorrect , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CMP-EVN , Events, Derivation & Employee Status , Problem