- You have installed the system on <hostname1> which is preferably the physical host
- You later configured SAP instance to run on Virtual Host <hostname2> using the SAPLOCALHOST configuration.
- When you run Software Update Manager (SUM) the next time, it throws the below error in the step CHECK-DETECTED-OR-REQUEST-MISSING-INSTANCE-PREFIXES:
Feb 7, 2017 1:46:07 AM [Info ]: Found instance ID8716750 in configuration manager.
Feb 7, 2017 1:46:07 AM [Error ]: SUM-calculated system instance ID of instance JCXX on host <hostname2> does not match the instance ID written in the data model IDXXXXX.
Feb 7, 2017 1:46:07 AM [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: SUM-calculated system instance ID(s) of instance(s):
JCXX on host <hostname2>
does not match the instance ID(s) written in the data model.
You cannot continue the SUM process until this issue is resolved manually. Follow the detailed instructions in SAP Note 1987497 to calculate the correct instance ID for each system instance.
After you solve the issue, you have to continue the SUM process using the "Reset" option. - You identify the and the instanceID as per note 1987497 and run the InstanceIdChecker tool. However the tool does not find any inconsistency as shown below:
/usr/java6_64/bin/java -cp instanceidcheck.jar IDXXXXX 00 <SID>JCXX<hostname1>
The calculated instance ID is IDXXXXX
The source system and the calculated ID are same. The upgrade should not have problems installing the shadow system and running the migrationThe instanceID IDXXXXX and the <SID>JCXX<hostname1> is used as mentioned in note - 1987497
- You run Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) to fix the instanceID as per note 2259748, but SWPM is not able to detect any instance with an inconsisntent instanceID as shown below:
SWITCH_UPGRADE scenario with SUM
CHECK-DETECTED-OR-REQUEST-MISSING-INSTANCE-PREFIXES, virtual,, saplocalhost, instanceID, mismatch, calculated, 1987497 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-INS-JCI , Java component inst. / jload jmigmon, jsizecheck , Problem
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