When user starts an application in a Browser using NWBC, it will open the expected application in a new browser window instead of a new browser tab.
- NetWeaver Business Client Runtime Environment
- NetWeaver Business Client for HTML
- SAP Business Client
- SAP NetWeaver
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
browser tab, browser window, new window, new tab, tab, window, external, application, frame, fenster, außen, äußerlich, extern, rahmen, applikation, start, neues Fenster, neues Tab, NWBC HTML, , KBA , BC-FES-BUS-RUN , Runtime , BC-FES-BUS , Netweaver Business Client , BC-FES-BUS-HTM , HTML , How To
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