- Find and Replace rules cannot be reset within Lumira when using multiple 'Find and Replace' rules
- The above behaviour is causing new data imported to be replaced with unwanted values.
SAP Lumira Desktop 1.31
Reproducing the Issue
- Import Data from Excel into Lumira
- Click Prepare
- On the right panel, select 'Find and Replace'
- Replace a keyword with another such as Find - 'SAP', Replace with - 'Lumira' so all "SAP" values will change to "Lumira".
- When other keywords are replaced, these rules will be overwritten, and there is no feature to reset these.
No Feature to reset these rules is shown within Lumira and has been suggested as idea in SAP Ideas place for future feature at
- Create a document with same datasource
- Open the document in WINRAR and locate the document.xml file
- Compare the document.xml file with the document.xml file from the document which has find and replace rules
- Delete the tags that contain the find and replace rules
Desktop , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Problem
SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0