This can have several symptoms:
- Error when reading pricing information (Processing SPC_CREATE_ITEMS)
- You get dump VM_STACK_TRACE, showing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"
- SM21 contains many entries showing ""R6 R CVMgenMarkCompactCollectImpl: The old generation heap was fill", and afterwards the Run-time error "VM_STACK_TRACE" occurred
Work Process trace file (dev_w) shows:
J <VMC Vnr> <nr> [7] WARNING: ** CVMgenMarkCompactCollectImpl: The old generation heap was filled by 99.999985 percent *after* a full
M ***LOG R6R=> ThJWriteSyslog, Java VM () [thxxvmemu.c 4687]
M <VMC Vnr> ThJWriteSyslog: CVMgenMarkCompactCollectImpl: The old generation heap was filled by 99.999985 percent *after* a full GC.
SAP NetWeaver system
VMC stopped, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, CVMgenMarkCompactCollectImpl, CVMgenMarkCompactCollectImpl: The old generation heap was filled,
VM_STACK_TRACE, SPC_PERF_LOAD_PRICING_DOCUMENT, SPC_CREATE_DOCUMENT, Java VM exit, SPC_PERF_CREATE_ITEMS , KBA , spc_perf_create_items , BC-VMC , Virtual Machine Container , How To
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