Information on how to analyze the high GUI time for the following scenarios:
- The high frontend GUI time was detected for single transaction/program statistics in the Business Transaction Analysis(STAD).
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
- The same symptom could be checked as well for exectuted Reports/transctions from the Workload Monitor(ST03/ST03N) ->Transaction Profile:
Figure 3: - In the Workload Monitor(ST03/ST03N) ->Frontend Statistics,high 'GUI Time per Roundtrip)' was detected for specific frontend GUI terminal.
Figure 4:
The Typical function modules in the performance trace for transferring data to the GUI include SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR and OLE_FLUSH_CALL.
SAPGUI 6.40 patchlevel 10 or later release.
GUI time, SAP GUI, roll wait time, Terminal Out-message, frontend network time, automation trace, response time, net time, GUI performance trace, NIPING, SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR , OLE_FLUSH_CALL, sapgui_progress_indicator , ole_flush_call , KBA , performance , time , high , gui , SV-PERF , Performance Problems , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem
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