You have defined a Default Value / Maximum Rate/ Reason for exceeding maximum rate for a certain travel expense type e.g. TAXI in view V_T706B2 (Define Maximum Rates and Default Values for Expense Types) - in addition this Default Value / Maximum Rate should be taken into account for a particular country only e.g. DE. When inserting a TAXI receipt in an expense report for country DE the default values is not taken into account.
(analog for parameters in V_T706B2: statutory and enterprise-specific trip types, trip activity type, trip country and region, statutory and enterprise-specific reimbursement)
Business Trip Management
My Trips and Expensees
T706B2, V_T706B2, expense receipt, default value, maximum amount, PR05, TRIP, FITE_EXPENSES, WDA travel managmenet, SAP Fiori App MTE, My Trips and Expenses, UITRV001, 200, PAOC_TRV, TRV_TE_CRE , KBA , FI-TV-COS , Trip Costs , FI-FIO-TV-MTE , My Travel and Expenses , How To
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