SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2428555 - System triggers an error message at the time of creation of New Identified Stock ID in production task.


When trying to create New Identified Stock ID during check task ID XYZ, system gives an error message.*XYZ refers to Check Task id

Entry in Identified Stock field is not valid; it does not match the Identified Stock in the assigned production lot.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Production Control Work Center.
  2. Go to Task Control View.
  3. Search for task ID XYZ.
  4. Select on Confirm button.
  5. In the new tab, Click on Finish Results Recording button.

Error message appears:  Entry in Identified Stock field is not valid; it does not match the Identified Stock in the assigned production lot.


In order to create New Identified Stock in check task, kindly follow the steps below:

  1.  Go to Execution Work Center.
  2.  Go to Production Tasks View.
  3.  Search for Task ID XYZ and select it.
  4.  Select on Confirm button.
  5.  In the new tab, Select on You can Also and then, in New Identified Stock.
  6.  It will open a new window, where product data and product specification are automatically provided.
  7.  Enter the Identified Stock ID and description. Save it and then activate it.
  8.  After this, Select Save and Close button. This will take you back to confirm check task screen.
  9.  Now, open the value help for the Identified Stock ID, it will show you the newly created identified stock ID, which is linked with the product specification.


System  triggers an error message at the time of creation of New Identified Stock ID in production task, Entry in Identified Stock field is not valid, it does not match the Identified Stock in the assigned production lot , KBA , entry in identified stock field is not , stock in the assigned production lot , entry in identified stock field , AP-PE , Production , How To


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