In general, an SQL0901 error indicates that there is an error in the interaction of the R/3 System and the database or directly in the database. There can be a number of reasons for the error so more information needs to be obtained from OS joblog of the failing process. In the example below, the SUM upgrade failed in phase RUN_RADCUCNT_DMOSHD
In the R3 system, a runtime error was produced in ST22
- SQL code: -901 occurred while accessing table <table name> (012345/TSTADM/WP01)
The joblog is obtained from the OS by running the command
The error codes below are found before the SQL0901 in the joblog
CPF4204 : Internal failure occurred in query processor.
CPF4327 : Commitment control resource limit exceeded.
SAP on IBM i
AS400, OS400, iSeries, System i , KBA , BC-INS-AS4 , Installation and Upgrade AS/400 , BC-OP-AS4 , IBM AS/400 , BC-DB-DB4 , DB2 for AS/400 , Problem
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