SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2429809 - Exception/Dump "Unexpected Error During Backend Processing" On Saving the Changes to the Validity of the Org Unit


On changing the Valid From date to DD.MM.YYYY for the Org Unit XYZ (where XYZ represents the Organizational Unit) and saving the changes, system throws an Exception:
Unexpected error during backend processing


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Organizational Management work center
  2. Go to Org Structures view
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select the Effective Date From DD1.MM1.YYYY1
  5. Select Org Unit XYZ
  6. Go to Timelines tab
  7. Change the Valid From date to DD2.MM2.YYYY2
  8. Select Save and Close
  9. System loads for a while and throws an Exception


Exception occurs if the Start Date is changed on an existing Name node using multiple scripts. This is either done explicitly by changing the Name or implicitly by changing the Org Unit itself on the Timelines tab.


You may follow the below steps:

  1. Delete the Name in non-default script. This is achieved by setting the Effective Date to the Start Date of the Name instance and clear the Name field on the UI
  2. Do the necessary Start Date change in the Timelines tab
  3. Set the Effective Date to the new Start Date and re-enter the Name in the deviating script

In case you face issues while performing the above steps, open an case to SAP so that the required change in Validity for the Org Unit XYZ can be maintained via backend.


Name instance, multiple scripts, Organizational Management, Org Structures , KBA , multiple scripts , name instance , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions