SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2431316 - No job alert emails from Test and Sales Demo Systems - Recruiting Marketing


Job alert emails are not received in RMK in preview instances.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access your Candidate Profile from the career site 
  2. Create job alerts
  3. Set the frequency to a minimum of 1 day
  4. No job alerts are received


For security and spam reasons, RMK job alert emails are not dispatched from the stage/preview environment, regardless if they are created by external or internal candidates (with ICS) to addresses not part of the SAP domain.
This was put in place to prevent any erroneous mass sending of emails in this environment.
The same applies to the Commercialized SAP SuccessFactors Sales Demo environment (see KBA 3000755) and email campaigns. (See KBA 2725748)


Job alerts emails can be previewed in CSB under Layouts>Job alerts Email template > Preview
However test alerts cannot currently be sent.
If you would like to see this behaviour changed please submit an enhancement request as per KBA 2090228 so other customers can vote for it  and affect product development.

See Also

3000755 - RMK Commercialized SAP SuccessFactors Sales Demo system
2725748 - No Email Campaigns from preview RMK instances - Recruiting 
2090228 - How to submit enhancement ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products


SF, SuccessFactors, RMK, e-mail, stage, preview, test, ics, internal, external, candidates, email, recruiting marketing , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK , Recruiting Marketing , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions