The purpose of this Knowledge Base Article is to provide additional information about the impact handling for Transformations (TRFNs) and to clarify under which circumstances a Transformation needs to be deactivated. Such a deactivation can happen during transport or manual activation of a single BW TLOGO object.
The deactivation by the impact handler manifests in one of the following messages in the transport/activation log:
- RSTRAN098 Activation has the following effects on transformations
- RSTRAN015 Transformation &1 set to inactive
and in the fact, that the object status will be set to INA (inactive).
- SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.0
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.01 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 1)
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.02 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 2)
- SAP Business Warehouse 7.03 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 3)
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.31 (SAP NW BW 7.3 EnhP 1)
- SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.50
- SAP BW/4HANA - all versions
RSTRAN 098, RSTRAN 015, Die Aktivierung hat folgende Auswirkungen auf Transformationen, Transformation &1 wird auf inaktiv gesetzt, adso, advanced datastore object, odso, classical datastore object, infocube, infoobject, infoobjects, infoobjekt, merkmal, characteristic, Infoobject Assignment, Master Data Lookup, DSO Lookup, SPO, structural change, add field, remove field, navigational attribute, amdp class deleted, , KBA , rsds193 , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW-WHM-DBA , Data Basis , BW-WHM-MTD , Metadata (repository) , BW4-ME-HCPR , Composite Provider , BW-MT-TRFN , Transformation in BW Modeling Tools , BW4-ME-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , BW4-ME-IOBJ , InfoObjects , BW4-ME-TRFN , Transformation Metadata , How To
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