- You are using S/4HANA for International Trade.
- You are using OP 1610 or any higher release.
- You want to maintain commodity codes.
- You want to classify or re-classify products.
- You can not maintain commodity codes in customizing (IMG/SPRO) anymore.
- You can not assign commodity codes using Master Data Governance for Material (MDG-M) anymore.
- You can not classify a product via product master anymore.
- You can not assign commodity codes via transactions MM01 and MM02 anymore.
- Commodity codes are not written to table T604 anymore.
- Classifications are not stored to table MARC anymore.
- Classify app does not return products for a specific validity date.
- You are searching for change log or change history of classification maintenance.
- Commodity codes for some materials not migrated to S4 HANA
- Commodity codes are available in ECC but not available in S4 HANA.
- SAP S/4HANA for International Trade
- SAP S/4HANA 1610 (or higher release)
- Product Classification
S4CORE, stawn, S4 HANA, SAP S/4 HANA, v_t604, re-classify, SAP S/4HANA on-Premise Edition 1610 FPS 02, CLOUD, material master, product, OVE1, Define commodity Codes, foreign trade data, SD, MM, FT, 1611, 1511, Assign Numbering Scheme for Commodity Codes to Country, Governance, Risk and Compliance, International Trade, Classification not saved, /SAPSLL/T604R3, SAP Global Trade Services, GTS, Materialstammdaten, Material, Statistische Warennummer, Außenhandelsdaten, Nummernschema zuordnen, MM02, Klassifizierung, Klassifizieren, Re-Klassifizierung, Re-Klassifizieren, Reklassifizieren, Reklassifizieren; Material Master Change Log; Änderungsprotokoll, Period, no results found, intrastat commodity code, mass upload commodity code, /SAPSLL/CLSNR_01 , KBA , csg_q , marc-stawn , SLL-LEG , Global Trade Services GTS , CA-MDG-APP-MM , MDG Material , SLL-LEG-PI-R3 , PI: R/3 , MM-FT , Foreign Trade , SD-FT , Foreign Trade (not Global Trade Service related) , SLL-LEG-CNS , Consulting , SLL-LEG-FUN-CLS , GTS: GF: Classification , SLL-ITR-CLS , International Trade Classification , Problem
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