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2433320 - How to synchronize secondary servers with the coordinator in multiplex - SAP IQ


  •  In iqmsg:

I. 02/14 21:45:00. 0003714748 Secondary server out of catalog synch
I. 02/14 21:45:00. 0003714748 Exception Thrown from stcxtlib/st_txnMgr.cxx:3174, Err# 12, tid 8 origtid 8
I. 02/14 21:45:00. 0003714748    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 5120 (st_databaseException); SQLCode: -1008026, SQLState: 'QNA26', Severity: 14
I. 02/14 21:45:00. 0003714748 [21048]: Multiplex secondary server out of synchronization with the coordinator.
-- (stcxtlib/st_txnMgr.cxx 3174)

  • Output of sp_iqmpxversioninfo in secondary server:

CatalogID            VersionID                OAVID ServerType CatalogSync           WCatalogID           WVersionID
          1300587831           1300587831           1300587831 W          F                     1300982609           1300982663

  • During start_iq secondary server, get following message:

Error: Multiplex secondary server out of synchronization with the coordinator.
Server failed to start



SAP SYBASE IQ 15.4 and higher


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


SQLCode: -1008026, out of synchronization, dbbackup, dblog, sp_iqmpxversioninfo , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To

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