- SAP Transportation Management (TM)with SAP ERP Shipment Processing integration.
- A Freight Document, either a Freight Order (FO) or Freight Booking (FB), is created. Its Items tab lists a Vehicle and Containers.
- ERP Shipment created from the Freight Document is missing the Handling Units representing the Vehicle and/or Containers packaging information.
- Capturing the message interface TransportationOrderSCMExecutionRequest_Out being sent from TM to ERP on Shipment creation, the payload is missing the <Package>...</Package> entity.
- Why is TM not sending the Freight Document Vehicle and/or Containers as packaging information to ERP?
SAP Transportation Management 9.x
SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4
TM, ERP, SHP, FO, FB, DTR, DLV, VT03N, /SCMTMS/CL_OUTB_MAPPER FILL_TOR_TPNORD_ERP_PACKAGE, TransportationOrderSCMExecutionRequest_Out, Package, Packaging, HU , KBA , TM-INT-LI-CS-SHP , Shipment , How To
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