When accessing SNOTE functions, an error similar to "Method "READ_FROM_CINST" has already been implemented" is shown. When checking ST22, you will find ABAP Program CL_CWB_OBJECT_CPRI============CP has the syntax error shown below:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
ABAP Program CL_CWB_OBJECT_CPRI============CP
Application Component BC-UPG-NA
Short Text
Syntax error in program "CL_CWB_OBJECT_CPRI============CP ".
|What happened?
| Error in the ABAP Application Program
| The current ABAP program "CL_CWB_OBJECT=================CP" had to be
| terminated because it has
| come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
| In include "CL_CWB_OBJECT_CPRI============CM00H ", in line 1 of program
| "CL_CWB_OBJECT_CPRI============CP ", the following syntax errors
| have occurred:
| Method "READ_FROM_CINST" has already been implemented.
SAP Netweaver
KBA , BC-DWB-TOO-CLA , Class Builder , Problem
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