You are not able to add an additional datafile to particular tablespace due to error ORA-01686: max # files (1023) reached for the tablespace.
Example error log:
BR0301E SQL error -1686 at location BrSqlExecute-1, SQL statement:
'/* BRSPACE */<add datafile sql statement>
ORA-01686: max # files (1023) reached for the tablespace <tablespace_name>
BR1017E Execution of SQL statement '/* BRSPACE */ <add datafile sql statement>
- SAP release independent
- Oracle release independent
Maximum data files per tablespace, reorganization, datafile, datafile limitation, extend tablespace, ORA-01686, ORA1686, PSAPSR3 , KBA , ora-01686 , ora-1686 , maximum data files per tablespace , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-DB-ORA-CCM , (CCMS) Database Monitors , Problem
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