SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for MS Visual Studio‘ Service Pack 19: (v.
The problem is with CR13 SP19 but this problem did not occur in the previous service pack CR13 SP18 .
Here is an example for the problem: - with fixed text field "CanGrow" = 0
- Text object has this in it: "Verbindung aus Lieferungen u. Leistungen"
- In CR Designer the text is "u. Leistungen" is wrapped to the next line.
- In CR for VS Windows form viewer the "u" is on the first line and ". Leistungen" is wrapped to the second line.
Note: Report display fine in Crystal Reports Designer
SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for MS Visual Studio
There were some updates to the Formatting Engine that appears to be causing this word break in incorrect locations.
This issue has been escalated to R&D for a solution, possibly in SP 20
cr for vs, word wrap, can grow , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem