- SUM stops in REPACHK* phases due to inactive customer objects.
- For example, in REPACHK2 phase, you see the following error message:
Inactive customer objects have been found.
The development environment has been unlocked now. Activate the objects or remove the inactive versions and subsequently release the repairs and transport orders to ensure that the upgrade procedure can continue.
- There are inactive versions of repository objects in your system.
- The SUM procedure is a load-based upgrade.
- See also SAP Note 2318321.
upgrade, DVD, procedure, load, REPACHK, REPACHK2, inactive, customer, objects, development, SUM, inaktiv, objekte, update, software, update, manager, SUBST_GET_INACTIVE_SAP_OBJECTS, DIFFEXP, activate, versions, transport orders, release , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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