The history (radio) button does not show when there is no address data maintained on the current record. However historic data exists for an employee as per the following screenshot.
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Moving the "view as of date" value to a time before the most recent record of the address information element will expose the previous record and the address button will then be visible. If you only have one address record, you will not be able to carry out this step.
This only occurs where admins have deleted the address from a record using the edit pencil (see cause section) instead of deleting the record. in this case employee contains historic data as we can see changing as of Today to as of a previous date, and when this data coincide with the date selected radio button now appears.
Employee Central
address, Success Factors Employee Central, address element history button , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-PER , Person Data (All Person Data Types) , How To
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