SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2436258 - How is the customer informed when they go past their storage and/or external users limit in JAM?


How is the customer informed when they go past their storage and/or external users limit?


Re: External Licenses > The admin will receive an email similar to the following:

Subject: Jam external guest licensing notice :: Your company is using 90 of 100 licensed external guest user accounts. To obtain more licenses, please contact your account representative.

SAP Jam does not block the creation of external users after reaching their limit, but there is an audit process place. External License count can also be viewed in SAP Jam Admin > "General" as explained below.

Re: Storage > You need to be an SAP Jam Admin > Navigate to SAP Jam Admin > Company Overview > General (default landing page) > There is a recap of SAP Jam Product version (edition), Company ID, "External User Licenses Purchased", "External User Licenses Used" & "Storage Usage"


If the company hasn’t purchased any additional storage, the company admins will receive an inbox notification in Jam in addition to an email once disk usage hits 80%.

If they have purchased additional storage, they will be notified at 90% usage.
These notifications are generated on a weekly basis, currently scheduled for Wednesdays.
This email and inbox notification only are delivered to Advanced, Advanced Plus, and Enterprise company admins.

Only company admins who are active will receive the notification. They must have loged in Jam at least once to become active.


SAP Jam Storage External Users Limits, external user limit, external user email, JAM email notification, storage limit email notification , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-ADM , Administrator Access Request , How To


SAP Jam Collaboration 1702