SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2436314 - Manage Templates - Goal changed to unexpected state - Goal Management


Goals were in one state but somehow it changed to another state


SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

In a Goal plan

  1. Log into the instance
  2. Go to the Goals page
  3. See that the goal plan state is different than it was before.

In a Performance form

  1. Log into the instance
  2. Open a PM form and check the Goals Section
  3. See that the goal plan state is different than it was before.


There are a number of reasons the goal can be in an unexpected state, typically resulting in configuration or human error.

  • The Goal Plan XML template can be configured with who is allowed to change the goal state and where to with the <permission for="change-state"> tag.  Someone could have accidently changed the goal to a unintended state
  • Performance form can be configured to modify the state of a goal when the performance form changes steps.
  • Performance form can also be configured to modify the state of a goal when it is deleted.
  • Multiple performance forms, whether existing concurrently, created, completed or deleted at different points in time, point to the same goal plan.  This can cause each performance form to modify the state of the goal independently
  • Note a performance form does not change the state of a goal at creation, see KBA 2461347.


Depending on the reasoning for the problem, different solutions may need to be required depending on

  • Simplest way to get the performance form on track is to give a HR user permissions to move the goal plan forward and backwards with the <permission for="change-state"> tag.  In a goal is ever in the wrong state, this can be modified back to the correct state by HR.  However, this may not prevent the problem from occurring again.
  • For people accidently moving the goal plan, this problem can be minimized by having a partner or SAP Consultant removing unnecessary access to changing the goal state depending on your companies requirements.
  • For the goal plan, make sure to have goals and performance forms be one to one.  Do not create multiple performance forms that access the same goal plans if the performance forms can also modify the goal plans.
  • Make sure the performance form is configured by a partner or SAP Consultant correctly to set the goal plan to the corrent state when moving to the next step, completing the form, or deleting the form.  In case of deleting a performance form, you may consider setting the goal plan to the first step in case a new performance form is created to access the existing goal plan.


manage templates, template, goal state, changed, locked, unlocked, management, form, template, pm, gm , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-GM-TMP , Template Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions