The employee tries to submite an Expense Report in a given period but when he finishes and clicks on Save or Submit he receives the below error:
Current expense arrangement does not allow expense reports with date
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Travel and Expenses work center.
- Go to Expense Reports view.
- Click to create a new Expense Report.
- Fill all the travel data.
- Click Save or Submit.
- Error message appears.
The issue happens when the period maintained in the Expense Arrangement is different from the period maintained in the Expense Report.
For example:
The Validity Assignment for Expense Arrangement is valid from August 2014 to September 2016.
Expense Report refers to December 2016.
- Go to Travel and Expanse work center.
- Expense Arrangements view.
- Search for the employee ID and open the Expense Arrangement.
- Check the valid period maintained under Validity Assignment and compare with the Expense Report period.
- Click Add Row
- Create a new validation period
- Click Set to Active
- Click Save button
KBA , expense report , current expense arrangement does not all , SRD-FIN-ERM , Travel and Expense Management , How To