How can we hide some Global Informing fields, using an onInit Business Rule.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental
Employee Central - New Hire/Rehire Wizard
Reproducing the Issue
1. Create a business rule that hides certain fields from Glabal Information
2. Set the rule as Oninit under country specific Global Information element in Manage Business Configuration
3. Add New Employee, fields are not hidden when in Global Information section
This is currently not supported
The Business Rules Framework, does not currently support Hiding Global Information Fields using an onInit event type Business Rules.
If a rule is created to hide fields in Global Information, it can lead to the duplication of fields.
In order to fix this, simply remove the business rule created to hide the fields from Manage Business Configuration.
An enhancement request can be made to have this feature implemented in a future release.
Rule, Hide, Global Info, Global Information, Add New Employee, Hire, OnInit, New Hire Wizard, Global information duplicate, global information showing twice , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-EC-RUL , DO NOT USE - Business Rules & Event Derivation , LOD-SF-EC-LOC , Localization & Country Specifics (EC Core) , Problem