Balance Carryforward Run has completed with the below error message:
Period XXX In Fiscal Year YYYY Closed For Closing Step Closing Balance
(Here XXX refers Account period id and YYYY refers to Fiscal year)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the General Ledger work center.
- Go to Periodic Tasks > Balance Carryforward view.
- Open the Balance Carryforward run and click on Log Result.
- Go to Messages tab and you can see the error message:
Period XXX In Fiscal Year YYYY Closed For Closing Step Closing Balance
The error is due to Last Accounting Period of Fiscal Year YYYY is closed for 020 - Closing entries. For Balance Carryforward run last Accounting Period of previous Fiscal Year should be closed for Closing balance, so that previous year's closing balance will get transfer to the New Fiscal Year's first accounting period.
- Go to the General Ledger work center.
- Go to Open and Close Periods view.
- Choose the row of Accounting Period XXX for Fiscal Year YYYY.
- Change the Last Allowed Step to 990 - Closing balance.
- Choose Save and Close.
Now you will be able to execute Balance Carryforward run without this error message.
See Also
Closing balance, balance carryforward , KBA , balance carryforward , closing balance , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To