While trying to create a new database on the master device - the following erorr was received:
Msg 605, Level 21, State 1:Server 'SERVERNAME', Line 1:An attempt was made to fetch logical page '0' from cache 'default data cache'.
Page belongs to database 'master' (1), object 'Unknown' (0), index 'Unknown' (0), partition 'Unknown' (-1) and not to database 'master' (1), object '' (99), index 'Unknown' (0), partition 'Unknown' (99).1 select * froms sysobjects where id = 99
Rebooted to try and see if the problem would resolve and received:
Error: 694, Severity: 24, State: 1
An attempt was made to read logical page '0', virtpage '0' from virtual device '0' for database '' (1), object '' (99), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (99). The page was not read successfully. You may have a device problem or an operating system problem.
Error: 834, Severity: 20, State: 4
Illegal attempt to clean buffer: BUF=0xc00000022cea3e20, MASS=0xc00000022cea3e20, Buf#=0, page=0xc0000001f8974000, dbid=1, Mass vdevno=0, vpage=204, Buf lpage=25, Mass stat=0x4001008, Buf stat=0x1, size=16384, cid=0 ('default data cache'), Pinned xdes=0x0000000000000000, spid=0.
restore backup copy dump load , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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