A specific word/term has been added as a profanity and set to enabled, but users are still able to post this word/term anywhere within SAP Jam.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Jam Collaboration
Reproducing the Issue
- User posts a profanity word
- Admin user on Jam goes to Admin settings
- Section "Compliance and Security" > Compliance
- go to tab "Dictionary"
- See that the terms being posted by users are listed there.
- Please make sure that "Enable Profanity Monitor" is enabled from Admin console > Product Setup > Features
- The compliance and profanity alerts do not prevent users from posting inappropriate terms, nor do they send email notifications if users do post inappropriate terms. The items will be flagged and should show on the "Pending Flagged Items" every time an user post one of the terms
See Also
For more information in relation to please see section 'Configure Compliance monitoring' at the SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide
profanity, curse, "foul language", "bad language", offensive, swear, swearing, cuss, cussing, rude , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , Problem
SAP Jam Collaboration all versions