This KBA will guide you on how to configure both Employee Central and Imported records.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
Variable Pay integrated with Employee Central
When Allow Employee History Import is selected, the option Import Employee History is displayed under Manage Users. There we can upload a History file same as if we would do in a non-EC template. When we select this option, all history records from an employee must be either imported or processed from Employee Central, we cannot have a mix of records from both sources for a single employee (we can have employees with all records coming from EC and employees with all records coming from the imported file in the same template). This is basically a setting for Hybrid templates.
When selecting Allow Employee History Import our Bonus Plans will display the option to also use legacy Eligibility Rules, as the imported entries will not be considered by the EC Eligibility Rules. We need to define legacy rules for the Imported records.
We are also able to manually add entries in the History. If the setting Allow Employee History Import is enabled, the system will consider the manual entries as “Imported” and the legacy Eligibility Rules will be applied on these entries, but if we don’t allow the EH import, we are not allowed to define legacy Eligibility Rules and as a result manually added entries will not be considered for Bonus Calculation.
An enhancement to remove the “Add New” option in Edit Employee History has been opened to disallow customers from defining manual entries expecting them to be considered in the bonus calculation when these conditions are met.
Add New, Allow Employee History Import, Import EH,EC records, Non EC records, Variable pay, Bonus plan , KBA , LOD-SF-VRP-EC , Employee Central data, configuration , How To