During the installation or import of a system copy, in the <object>.log (i.e.: SAPSLEXC.log) there are errors like this:
(SQL) ERROR: Duplicate entry for index '' in l.6 '<export directory>/DB/<dbs>/<package>.SQL' and l.6 ''<export directory>/DB/<dbs>/<package>.SQL'
(DB) INFO: Disconnected from DB
(EXP) ERROR: do_build_select_stmt failed: No such file or directory
(SQL) ERROR: Cannot read ''<export directory>/DB/<dbs>/<package>.SQL': No such file or directory
(DB) INFO: Disconnected from DB
(EXP) ERROR: do_build_select_stmt failed: No such file or directory
- System based on NW 7.1 or above;
- Any database;
- Any operational system.
SAPinst, SWPM, Error, Fail, Fails, Failed, Execution, Stuck, Stop, Start, Crash, Hangs, Freeze, Frozen, Bug, Solution, sapinst_dev.log, sapinst.log, root, sudo, Windows, NT, Cluster, Unix, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, RHEL, RHEL6, RHEL 6, SUSE, Enterprise, Oracle, Software Provisioning Manager, SIDadm, Switch, Cshrc, Environment, Migration, System Copy, Refresh, Refreshing, Export, Exporting, Import, Database, OSDB, NetWeaver, Distributed, Central, Media,Installation, Installer, Install, NW, 70, 700, 7.0, 7.00, 701, 7.01, 702, 7.02, 703, 7.03, 71, 710, 7.1, 7.10, 711, 7.11, 72, 720, 7.2, 7.20, 73, 730, 7.30, 7.3, 74, 740, 7.4, 7.40, 75, 750, 7.50, 7.5, Export, Exporing, Import, Importing, (SQL) ERROR: Duplicate entry for index, in l.6, (EXP) ERROR: do_build_select_stmt failed: No such file or directory, (SQL) ERROR: Cannot read, No such file or directory , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , BC-INS-MIG-TLA , R3load, R3ldctl, R3szchk , Problem
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