SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2439699 - System bypasses the approval process set on Item when added to a program


System bypasses the approval process set on Item when added to a program. Why does this occur?


SAP SuccesssFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

Item with Approval process set and require approval attached to a Program

  1. Create an item with approval process and set to require approval
  2. Associate to a Program
  3. Let the user search the program in user side, then enroll or self assign
  4. User is able to access item (can see Launch course button) without Request Approval

Free Floating Item

  1. Create an item with approval process and set to require approval
  2. Let the user search the item on user side, then self assign
  3. User is unable to access item with Request Approval button, user has to request approval before accessing item


If items are part of program, system will bypass the approval process. This is the expected behavior.

Also, if the Item with Approval Process is assigned to the user and a Program with the same Item is also assigned to the user, the Program will bypass the Approval Process for the free Floating Item on user's Learning Plan, it is also an expected behavior.

If this behavior is to be changed, please raise an enhancement request. Steps outlined 2090228

Check if Curricula might be a better option through this guide. Please make sure to login with your S-User if you cannot access this link.


Program, approval, approval process, item, approval required , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions