When you try to activate an Org Unit after assigning a Service Agent to it, system throws below error messages:
DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY: employee(s) on org unit XYZ () must be below a cost center. It is also possible to flag the org unit to which the employee is assigned as a cost center.
DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY: employee(s) on org unit XYZ () must be below a reporting line unit. It is also possible to flag the org unit to which the employee is assigned as a reporting line unit.
DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY: employee(s) on org unit XYZ () must be below a business residence. It is also possible to flag the org unit to which the employee is assigned as a business residence.
KBA , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , How To
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