- In Data Access Guide, it introduces one Teradata SBO Parameter "Replace Current Owner With Database" as below:
Description Specifies if the driver returns the current database name when the data source is queried for the current owner. Only used with ODBC connections. Values Yes: the current owner is mapped to the Teradata database name.
No: the current owner is mapped to the current user name.Default No - The parameter is defined in the \<connectionserver-install-dir>\connectionServer\odbc\teradata.sbo file.
- Data access guide also introduces another topic "Teradata Connections - Mapping Teradata Database to Current Owner" as below:
A Teradata database supports table owners, but not qualifiers. The Connection Server returns the current user as current owner for Teradata data sources. However, the data source may be configured to map a user to the database of another user. In this case, you can configure the Teradata driver to map the current owner to the database with the Replace Current Owner With Database parameter. You can only use this parameter with ODBC connections.
---------------------------- - What is the current owner? What is the Teradata database name? What is the current user name?
- How to map Teradata database to current owner?
- How does it affect the behavior in Information Design Tool?
- How does it affect the behavior in Web Intelligence?
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
- Information Design Tool (IDT)
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2
BI4, 4.1, 4.2, IDT, Semantic Layer, teradata, sbo, teradata.sbo, Replace Current Owner With Database, current owner, current user, default database, table owner, owner , KBA , BI-BIP-SL , Semantic Layer , BI-BIP-IDT , Information design tool , How To
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