You created a new Low Value Asset by transferring an existing Low Value Asset. However the new one created is not flagged automatically as a Low Value Asset, even though the acquisition cost falls within the threshold value for an asset to be considered as such.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Fixed Assets work center.
- Select sub view Fixed Assets in view Fixed Assets.
- Search and select Fixed Asset XYZ (XYZ is the ID of the new fixed asset).
- The check box for the Fixed Asset XYZ is not flagged as you expect, based on its value which falls withing the determined threshold.
- In the Fixed Asset XYZ, Click on tab Master data, navigate to tab Individual material.
- The acquired Individual material is ABC (ABC is the ID of the individual material).
- Go to view Fixed Assets.
- Search and select fixed asset with Individual Material ABC by clicking on Advanced.
- Select the Fixed Asset PQR (PQR is the ID of the Fixed Asset which was transferred).
- the Fixed Asset PQR has the status Retired and is a Low Value Asset.
In order to check if the Fixed asset is a Low Value Asset:
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Select Overview.
- Search for Activity: Capitalization Threshold for Fixed Assets.
- Select the relevant Accounting Principle.
Here you can maintain the minimum amount and the maximum amount of acquisition cost (threshold values), for the fixed asset to be considered as Low Value Asset.
The acquisition cost for this Fixed Asset XYZ, falls within this limit.
The Low value asset flag would be set automatically only for automatic postings (like Goods and Service Receipt, Supplier Invoice) based on threshold values.
Any manual postings would call for setting the Low Value Asset flag manually.
This is the expected system behaviour.
You need to set the flag manually.
To set the flag manually you can use the following steps:
- Go to Fixed Assets work center
- Select sub view Fixed Assets in view Fixed Assets
- Search and select Fixed Asset XYZ
- In Tab Master Data click on Life Cycle Data
- Select the correct Set of Books and then Flag it as Low Value Asset
- The Fixed Asset is now flagged as a Low Value Asset
KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To