Publish Comp Data to EC Job fails due to an error. In monitor jobs also it shows failed.
Compensation - Employee Central integration
Reproducing the Issue
Admin Center --> Compensation Home --> Select the plan --> Complete Compensation Section --> Publish Compensation Data to Employee Central
Go to Monitor Jobs --> You see that the Job is failed.
For Implementation Partner
Login to Provisioning -> Monitor Jobs
Click on the Details of the Publish data to Employee Central Failed job
In the details section if you see something like below
You see the logs similar to this,
com.successfactors.i18n.service.BasicMessageRequest.<init>( at com.successfactors.i18n.service.SFMessageBundle.executeHandlers( at com.successfactors.i18n.service.SFMessageBundle.getString( at
This means that when the publishing of Compensation Data to Employee Central is getting executed, jobInfo/compensation Info/Pay Component recurring Info triggers business rules that are associated. Some of the business rules triggers Warning message in case the criteria in the IF condition of the rule is met. EC doesn't save that respective Info record in this case. Hence the error.
For Customer:
When publishing of Compensation Data to Employee Central is getting executed,
If there are Business rules associated to jobInfo/compensation Info/Pay Component recurring/ Non recurring Info which are used to trigger Warning/error messages. Then during the publishing of data from Compensation to EC, these rules might trigger Warning/error message in case the criteria in the IF condition of the rule is met. Then EC doesn't save that respective Info record in this case. Hence we get the error.
Workaround 1:
Go to Compensation Home --> Template --> Advanced Settings
Check "Do not trigger EC rules when publishing from Compensation to Employee Central"
This will disable the rules to executed during publishing of data.
Then again try to publish. This should resove the issue.
Workaround 2:
Disable any rules associated to Pay Component recurring/ Job Info /Compensation Information which are used to trigger Warning/error messages.
Then again try to publish. This should resove the issue.
Currently the engineering team is working on the fix. We shall update this KBA once this issue is fixed.
KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , Problem