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2442600 - LOAD fails with hs_BArrayexception due to no more IQLM memory available


  • Running data LOAD type queries in an IQ multiplex system writer node
  • query fails because of hitting and out of LM cache condition
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891111 Exception Thrown from slib/s_llhtable.cxx:194, Err# 13, tid 86 origtid 86
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891111    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 517 (hos_memexception); SQLCode: -1013130, SQLState: 'QBC75', Severity: 14
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891111 [22160]: All IQ large memory has been used, allocation canceled [size: 4194367]
    -- (slib/s_llhtable.cxx 194)
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891115 Exception Thrown from dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx:716, Err# 4, tid 725 origtid 725
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891115    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2065 (hs_BArrayexception); SQLCode: -1006083, SQLState: 'QBA83', Severity: 14
    I. 12/01 19:35:21. 0001891115 [20321]: No more memory (iqlm)
  • table versioning may gradually increase leading to out of space conditions in IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN



  • SAP IQ 16 SP08 and above on any platfrom
  • Multiplex writer nodes


SAP IQ 16.0


crash, abort, failure, sybase, dbspace, IQ16, IQMAIN, cr805062, 'cr 805062', hang , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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