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2443315 - SAM: Time frame selected in SAM Dashboards


You are using My SAM Dashboard from Service Availability Management in SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and you want to understand why you see different time fames in the SAM dasboards:

Case 1: From the 1st day of the month to the 1st day of the following month


Case 2: From the Xth day of the month to the Xth day of the following month


Note: X has the value of today (if today is 16th March, X will be 16)



SAP Solution Manager 7.1


SAP Solution Manager 7.1


#SOLMAN, Work Mode Management, Service Availability Management, Selected time range, SLA, dashboards , KBA , SV-SMG-ADM-DTM , Downtime / Work Mode Management , How To

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