SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2443329 - Exception While Performing Mass Change of Material Valuation Data


System thorws Exception when trying to Apply Masss Change for Material Valudation Data

Reproducing the Issue

  1.  Go to Product Data work center
  2. Select the Materials view
  3. Select 800 records or above
  4. Click Mass Change
  5. Select Valuation in Show
  6. Enter the values you want to change for the rows
  7. Click Apply Mass Change
  8. Select All items
  9. Click Save and Close

The dump saying Unexpected Error During backend processing occurs


  1. According to the behavior of the Business ByDesign System, mass updates are possible only to a limited number of materials at a time.
  2. When many materials are selected for Mass Change, the system takes a few seconds of time to load.
  3. The crash could be caused because of some activity while loading


  1. The success of the mass change again would also depend on the volume of planning data within each material
  2. As observed that the error doesn’t occur when mass changing relatively lower number materials, therefore we need to do the update in parts with a few hundred materials chosen at a time


Masss Change, Material Valuation Data , KBA , SRD-MD-PRD-PRD , Product , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign 1802 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1805