FQA's Related to CTI Integration With Live Activity in SAP Cloud for Customer
SAP Cloud for Customer
1. You receive a call through CTI Live Activity but you cannot create Tickets, Contacts or Individual Customers.
- You have the wrong Quick Create added to the Live Activity Pane.
To solve this, you need to Adapt the Live Activity Pane and add the correct Quick Create, based on the scenario desired: Employee Support or Customer Support.
2. CTI Adapter not Supported on Mac
- The Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) Adapter that allows the communication between Cloud for Customer and a soft phone is not supported on Mac.
3. How to Disable the CTI Integration with C4C.
- You can disable it from Busines Configuration Scoping.
Business Configuration work center -> Implementation Projects view -> Edit Project Scope -> Questions -> Show All Elements -> Expand Service -
Select Customer Care - Select Service Request Management -> Un-check the question Do you want to enable secure communication (HTTPS) for CTI Integration?
4. You are trying to simulate a call, but it does not work and then you see that the local host for CTI is incorrect and you want to correct this for the customer system.
- Local Host is not maintained correctly for this system.
Refer Case Document: 2256801 - Inbound Call Using CTI Does Not Work.
5. In Silverlight UI, you Received an Error message While Adapting the Live Activity Pane for Embedded CTI Integration: "Invalid custom pane definition: no assembly Specified".
- There is no support for this feature in Silverlight, hence the error is shown.
6. When an incoming call is received through Live Activity names only get displayed for Employees, not for Customers/ Individual customers or Contacts.
- You have scoped Employee Support in the Business Configuration.
De-scope Employee Support and scope Customer Support to be able to be able search Individual Customers / Accounts / Contact Person by default.
7. When you try to create a new contact for an account using the Live Activity, the telephone number is not getting copied from the Live Activity to the new contact.
- Please find below explanation for this:
Contact Phone numbers are mainly stored in context to an organization, as contact's workplace phone number.
Since the organization is not determined, the Phone number section is greyed out.
Nevertheless, the feature for copying over the phone number is not supported for New Contacts.
8. Live Activity Screen Doesn't Work When Running Adapter in Simulation Mode.
- Either Internet Explore or Chrome Settings are not set as required.
Refer Case Document: 2120825 - Live Activity Screen Doesn't Work When Running Adapter in Simulation Mode.
9. The User is not able to see the Live Activity facet at the right pane.
- The Activity "Do you record phone calls" under the Account and Activity Management Scoping Element is not scoped in the system.
10.You are not Able to Add the AccountID Field to the Live Activity.
- This is not supported.
This topic has already been added in the Ideas forum. You can follow up it with the link
11. In a call recording scenario of Live Activity with Contact Center, system records extra phone call if user has not picked the call.
- As of now in the scenario where Control Center is involved, the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer logic designed in a way that call get registered as soon as it get allocated to a user
12. RUI Live Activity Centre: Not Possible to Add a Call to an Existing Ticket.
- Fixed with 1711 C1 (
13. Using Contact Center with SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer.
KBA , LOD-CRM-LA , Live Activity , How To