BRFPlus can be used in many places within the GRC Access Control 10.x. From agents, initiator, routing rules, to multiple rule set, the BRFPlus function generated will receive the context from the application and will evaluate its logic, to return the correct results.
If the context is empty, or has incorrect binding, then the BRF Function will not return any result.
The simulation of the BRF Function most of the time will work and return the correct reruls, because when you simulate, you manually enter the context to be evaluated in the screen. When the BRF Function is called from within the application, the context is passed from the application to the BRF code and here we can have problems.
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0
SAP GRC Access Control 10.1
brfplus brf+ context binding binded bind DDIC structure table element decision table loop expression, rule ruleset, not returning result empty context routing agent multiple rule set HR trigger result return resultset mapping mapped Funtion ID application BRF+ user defaults , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , BC-SRV-BRF , Business Rule Framework (For BRF+, use BC-SRV-BR) , How To
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