- upgraded from SP63 to SP138
- run installpcidb script
- sp_version shows proper version strings
- select java.lang.Math.sqrt(16) issues the following error:
Msg 10762, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'jbdsrv63', Line 1:
Cannot initialize the Java Virtual Machine because either the Java class library
or PCA plugin library is missing, corrupted, or incompatible with the current
server release. Contact your System Administrator for help.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP138
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
sybpcidb, Java, JRE , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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