- CPI shows "Sending task to the agent" or "Sending process to the agent" status indefinitely.
- DSOnPremisAgent*.log shows, some of the following errors
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection pool shut down
- Error fetch request from cloud
- org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
- INFO: I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request
- <timestamp> INFO: executing http post requestPOST HTTP/1.1
- <timestamp> INFO: unregister with cloud response content: OK
- If problem occurs after upgrade or install, Install_<timestamp>.log shows the following error even though install/upgrade completes successfully
INFO : Execute Command: dbstop.exe –y dsod_agent_repo
INFO : Return Code: 255
- SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
LOD-HCI-DS, process, stalled, hung, frozen, communication, mds_request, jobexec_request , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , EIM-HCI , SAP HANA Cloud Integration (Data Services) , Problem
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