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2444537 - Request Multiple Rule Set - BRFPlus creation step by step


When opening an access request, in "Risk Violations" tab, the risk analysis will be executed against the default Rule Set defined in SPRO parameter 1025.

If your business requirement is execute the risk analysis against specific Rule Sets according to request or line item attributes condition, then you can create a BRFPlus Function to specify the desired condition which will be executed every time the "Risk Violations" tab is opened.



SAP GRC Access Control 12.0 amd 10.1


SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


brfplus brf++ function ID application ID request multiple rule set ruleset mapping spro risk violation access request tab multiple matrixs matrix condition request attribute role attribute context result , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , How To

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