You run sp_sysmon command to display performance information of SAP ASE server, but error 2747 is raised.
Msg 2747, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'SERVER', Procedure 'sp_sysmon_appmgmt', Line 241:
Incorrect position specifier in format string of PRINT command.
(1 row affected)
Check the script of creating sp_sysmon_appmgmt procedure:
232 select @rptline = " Engine " + convert(char(3),@i) +
233 space(16) +
234 str(@tmp_int / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0),12,1)
235 + space(2) +
236 str(@tmp_int / convert(real, @NumXacts),12,1)
237 + space(1) +
238 str(@tmp_int, 11) + space(5) +
239 str(100.0 * @tmp_int / @tmp_total,5,1)
240 + @psign
241 print @rptline <<< here
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
Error 2747, Msg 2747, sp_sysmon_appmgmt, sp_sysmon, print , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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