Unable to migrate the unhidden Tab Contacts-Marketing Permissions during the Migration of Customers.
Error Message: The File you are uploading includes the following sheet ( s ) that is not part of active source view. Contacts-Marketing Permissions Data from these sheets will not be uploaded.
The Tab 'Contacts-Marketing Permissions' is a hidden tab when open the Migration of Customer Template. Even unhidden and populated, the Tab 'Contacts-Marketing Permissions' will not show up during during file validation.
Reproducing the Issue
First, Unhide and maintain the Tab 'Contacts-Marketing Permissions'
- Go to Business Configuration Work Center
- Select the Implementation Projects Subview
- Click on the Activity List Tab
- In Show field, Select All Activities
- Select All Tab
- Search for Migration of Customers
- Select and click Open
- Select Migrate Customers using the Migration Tool
- Upload the Migration Template XYZ
ERROR MESSAGE: The File you are uploading includes the following sheet ( s ) that is not part of active source view. Contacts-Marketing Permissions Data from these sheets will not be uploaded.
The mentioned behavior is expected.
'Contacts-MarketingPermission' sheet will be supported in Mass Data Maintenance scenario only. i.e. Contact Marketing Permission can be modified through Mass Data Maintenance and cannot be created/updated/deleted using migration activity.
Additionally, if you unhide a hidden sheet and expecting it to work is incorrect.
KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , How To