SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2445590 - Workflow for Migration of Workflow Rules From one Tenant to Another


Prior to 1611, Workflow Rules were created and tested in separate tenants, say a Test Tenant. Once they were Finalized and tested, it was again created in the Productive tenant by the Administrator. This Job was often tedious and prone to human errors, considering there might be lot of Complex Workflow Rules. With the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer 1611 release onwards, the Administrator can now Export the Workflow Rules from One Tenant and Import them into a separate Tenant.


SAP Cloud for Customers


Find below the detailed, Step-by-Step Process of Exporting the Workflow Rules and Preparing the Migration data for Import.
It also states the Limitations and Pre-requisite Activity which need to be carried out before importing the Workflow Rules.

Export of Workflow Rules:

  1. Go to Administrator WorkCentre and select Workflow Rules view.
  2. From the Filter, select the Workflow Rules which you want to Export.
  3. Select Export.
  4. A Pop-up will show, prompting for File Name and Path for Save.
  5. Success message is displayed once the File is downloaded.
  6. A Multi Tab excel sheet is downloaded having all the information on the Workflow Rule which need to be created in a separate tenant.

Import of Workflow Rules

To create the Workflow Rules in a separate Tenant, the Exported Rules are copied in a Migration Template and Uploaded in the Migration Workbench. Below are the steps to carry out the Migration Activity.

  1. Goto Business Configuration workcenter, select Overview view
  2. Search and open Migration of Workflow Rules
  3. Select You Can Also to download the Migration Template
  4. Once the Migration Template is downloaded, Copy the Workflow Rules from the Exported sheet into the Migration Template Tab by Tab. Make sure you copy all the Data from the Exported sheet for each Workflow Rules which you want to Export
  5. After the Migration Template is prepared, Administrator need to follow a guided procedure to upload the template. Select Migration Workbench Upload, then select Data from Migration Template
  6. Upload the File
  7. Once the Template is uploaded, the data is visible on the Migration Workbench Screen.
  8. Select Execute Migration and dropn drop down select Execute Migration Step by Step.
  9. Any error in the Validation phase can will be shown in the Migration Log, Administrator can go and edit the source record and try again. In case there is no error select Next
  10. A Pop-up will show confirming to Import Data, select Yes and proceed.
  11. All the Success/ Error/ Warning message occurring during Import, will be shown in the Log.
  12. After the data Import is finished, Workflow Rules is successfully created in Inactive state. Administrator can now go and activate it.

Pre-Requisite For Migration

There are certain things which need to be taken care of before Migrating the Workflow Rule from One Tenant to another:

  1. Make sure all the Data is copied from the Exported sheet to the Migration Template for each Workflow Rules which need to be Imported.
  2. Extension/PDI Fields ( Used in Exported Workflow Rules) should already be present in the Importing  Client.
  3. All the Configuration data Condition Fields / Recipient / Employee etc. (Used in Exported Workflow Rules) is same in both Exporting and Importing Client.
  4. For Exporting Workflow Rule of type E-mail, the HTML Template need to be already present in the Importing Client. Administrator can create the HTML Template in the Importing Client before the migration activity. Below are the Steps to follow:

           a)Goto Services WorkCentre, select Template view
           b)Select New Template and create a Template. Make sure Template type is Document Based and the template which is been uploaded is in UTF8 Format.
           c)Save and get the Template ID.
           d)In the Migration Template, where the Exported Workflow Rules is copied, change the Template ID with the one newly   created.                                                                           
           e)Please Note that HTML Template is not Exported from one Client to Another. Hence it is mandatory to create a Template in the Importing client before Migrating Workflow Rule of Email type

     5.   Please Note that after the Workflow Rule Migration, New Workflow Rules are created in INACTIVE state. The Administrator needs to go and activate them.


Migrtaion of Workflow Rules, Workflow Rules, , KBA , LOD-CRM-WKF , Workflow , How To


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